Category Archives: Approved Vendor

Need an eye exam or new frames?

Medical Arts Optical Services

Are you in need of an eye exam or would you like a new set of frames to refresh your look? Then look no further than to David C. Vaughan at Daytona Beach’s Medical Arts Optical Services, Inc. David C. Vaughan, is a certified optician and owner of the Medical Arts Optical Services, Inc., a […]

Advocate Health Advisors

Advocate health advisors

If you do not have the time to prepare for this year’s Medicare Open Enrollment Period or would like professional advice, look no further than Advocate Health Advisors. Advocate Health Advisors provide trusted advice to people transitioning within the tumultuous American Healthcare system. Their team of advisors is well-connected to a network of plans, providers, […]



If you suffer from hearing loss, then you know how difficult day-to-day life can be without the proper tools to help you. Hearing loss is a normal sign of wear on the body as we age, and coupled with it, the loss of some independence, but not anymore! ClearCaptions offers real-time phone captioning (similar to […]