Category Archives: Approved Vendor

You Made a Spectacle of Yourself

Medical Arts Optical

Did you used to have 20/20 vision? Did you gradually notice the loss of your vision? Words on pages suddenly blurred, and halos began appearing around car lights? What happened? Like the rest of your body, your eyes age too. According to the American Optometric Association, the phenomenon starts in your early to mid-40s and […]

Mama Mia!

Pizzeria Valdiano

What do you get when you mix fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and spices? Anything Italian! Just kidding. The right answer is pizza! Pizza is an American staple and child favorite. Instead of staying in tonight, why not treat yourself with some pizza from Pizzeria Valdiano. Their recipes are hand-made and have been perfected over the past […]

Overspending on Prescription Costs?

SavOn Global Meds

Are you overspending on prescription drugs? According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, American’s spend $1200 annually on generic prescriptions alone. This number is higher than any other developed nation due to government-sanctioned monopolies. Under federal law, manufacturers who patent a new drug have 20 years to sell that medication exclusively, freeing them […]

Noah’s Event Venue Shut Down and $53 million in debt!

520 on the Water

Lake Mary residents local Noah’s Event Venue has shut down as well as its other 32 nationwide venues. According to USA Today, the chain closed suddenly, laid-off employees, and filed for bankruptcy protection. The company is accused of participating in a Ponzi scheme and is currently battling a lawsuit. Couples who had booked the venue […]