Marketing to Seniors

Senior friends

Marketing to seniors can be a challenge. The tastes, subject matter, styles and even the graphics that appeal to senior readers or viewers may be very different from those of other demographics. Marketing professionals tell us that in general, seniors are more cautious and thoughtful about buying decisions than are younger people. They are more discerning, more likely to read fine print and to compare available choices.

In fact, senior marketing might be considered a ‘subspecialty’ in the field of marketing. At, we have known this for a long time. Our organization is an integral part of, an established and growing enterprise that specializes in serving the needs of seniors. For years, we have reached out to the senior community with information about professional services, assisted living, Medicare and Social Security matters and numerous other topics. We do this using a multimedia approach of online web services like, social media like Facebook and  YouTube and through our printed senior living magazine, Magazine.

We know seniors and we know senior marketing. We also know that a vital part of the marketplace is controlled by the senior consumer. Seniors are a key part of your market weather you are trying to grow a professional practice, reach the 55+ audience with a new product, get new customers or build loyalty among existing ones. We know how to reach them.

Our professionals have spent years earning the trust of seniors and integrating our printed offerings, web presence and social media sites to reach this audience. We have the established infrastructure needed to leverage your advertising dollar, yielding greater returns. Now, with you can immediately gain that trust and marketing expertise for your practice, business or service. Starting with the April edition of the Magazine, each copy of the printed version will contain a pullout section of discount or special-offer coupons from Seniors are very bargain sensitive and are likely to retain and use coupons for the products or services they buy.

By placing a coupon offer in the, you will get your business noticed by thousands of senior consumers, potential clients or customers. The discount or special offer makes it all the more likely that they will try your product or service. Magazine and the pullout will be widely available at high-traffic locations like CVS and Walgreen’s Pharmacies, Ace Hardware, Walmart and other locations. In addition, the coupon will be available for download and printing from our website, and they will be promoted in social media content like our Facebook pages.

This is a great opportunity to leverage your advertising dollar in a way that increases your exposure in print, on the web and on social media. Visit our new website at and you will get a good idea of how easy it will be for seniors to find and print your coupon online as well as to clip it in the old-fashion way. It’s a triple play for your advertising budget. You can get details about this outstanding opportunity by calling 386-204-4727 or click on the magazine cover to contact us by email.

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