Our outreach grows every day! That is right, every single day we see OurSeniorsDiscounts.net grow. Starting with the April edition of the OurSeniors.net Magazine, each copy of the printed version will contain a pullout section of discount or special-offer coupons from OurSeniorsDiscounts.net. Seniors are very bargain sensitive and are likely to retain and use coupons for the products or services they buy.
By placing a coupon offer in the OurSeniorsDiscount.net, you will get your business noticed by thousands of Silver Consumers, making it all the more likely that they will try your product or service. OurSeniors.net Magazine and the pullout will be widely available at high-traffic locations like CVS, Walgreen’s Pharmacies, Ace Hardware Stores, Walmart Stores and other locations (see a complete list at Pickup Locations). In addition, the coupon will be available for download and printing from our web site, and they will be promoted in social media content like the OurSeniorsDiscounts.net Facebook Pages.
Do not miss this opportunity to leverage your advertising dollar in a way that increases your exposure in print, on the web and on social media. Visit our new website at OurSeniorsDiscounts.net and you will get a good idea of how easy it will be for seniors to find and print your coupon online as well as to clip it in the old-fashion way. You can get details about this outstanding opportunity by calling 386-204-4727, or contact us by email at Contact OurSeniorsDiscounts.net.