Suggestions for Connecting to Seniors

Senior friends

How can a business, a service or even a professional practice attract new customers, especially seniors? Senior and 55+ consumers are highly prized as patrons, because they are noted for their loyalty to brands, products and service providers. Winning a senior customer often means having a great customer for life, and has a way to help. Especially in the state of Florida, seniors can become the core of a customer base. We have years of experience reaching out to senior patrons, and now we want to help you to do the same.

Here are some of our thoughts about penetrating the 55+ and senior market.

Do Not Count Yourself Out! (or your business, either)

If you are thinking that “seniors” are unlikely patrons for your business, think again! Seniors are not at all one group! “Senior” might mean a “Pre-Retiree,” a 55+ adult who is still working, but looking hard at the post-work world. Younger retirees, 65+ adults, may no longer earn active income, but they are still active consumers of entertainment, housing, insurance and financial services, automobiles, and many other spending categories. They are often looking for opportunities to make their cash go as far as possible.

Give Them a Reason to Visit Your Business

Think of some ways in which you can make these Silver Consumers visit your business or use your service. Can you offer a free demo, a discount or a trial period to try your product? has a way to get any offer or discount you extend directly into the hands of thousands of senior consumers. This network is already in place and functioning. It is ready-made to help your business get into this key market! Think of ways in which you can lead senior customers to visit your business. You can offer free demos, discounts or allow them a free trial of your product, and we can put that material in the hands of thousands of Silver Consumers.

Create a Buzz

It is important for any business to advertise their promotions to attract people. Our printed distribution is a great place to start, but we know that seniors are great networkers. has spent years developing a special relationship with senior readers, viewers and friends. At, we do not sit and wait for Silver Consumers to drop in on us and ask for suggestions. We go out and physically meet, greet and work with these wonderful people!

Our Brunch and Learn events connect them to businesses and professionals who can meet their needs, and those seniors respond by letting their friends know. They create the buzz! Click on A Brunch and Learn Event to see how professional and effective this is.

Leverage Your Promotional Budget gives your service or product a homerun, a leveraged way to clear the bases promoting your enterprise. Here they are:

  • First Base – the printed, physical offer inside our high-quality magazine, net Magazine. Thousands of copies are distributed at locations like Walmart Stores, Walgreens and CVS Pharmacies and dozens of professional offices and small business locations. We know that seniors are especially likely to retain and use this material.
  • Second Base – the online duplicates of these offers at net. When one senior tells another (that’s networking), it is easy for them to get the same offer.
  • Third Base – the extensive, already up-and-running web presence of the group. This will give you exposure on the regular web, social media at net on Facebook and on Facebook as well as in print!
  • Home Run – the “buzz” that seniors themselves create. We know that seniors network, sharing information among themselves. Convert one and you may well reach many others!

Now is the time to step up to bat! The closing date for the April, 2019 publication is closing in, so contact us now for details. can be reached at 386-204-4727 or by clicking Contact

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