What Kind of Businesses Are in the OurSeniorsDiscounts Directory?

OurSeniors Discount

Before you say, “Not me” to advertising in a senior-oriented medium like OurSeniorsDiscounts.net, or OurSeniors.net Magazine, take a minute to look at the professionals and business owners who do. What do you think you will find?

There are some entries that you would expect. Senior placement advisors, Medicare insurance providers, and organizations that deliver expert in-home care are all represented. But so are nonprofits, community service organizations, tax experts and computer services organizations. The fact is that most seniors remain active consumers of goods and services of all types. They buy new and used cars, automotive services, computer services, any product or service that the wider market uses.

Today, seniors are not simply an important consumer segment, they are the most important market segment! For parts of the OurSeniorsDiscounts coverage area, seniors and 55+ adults are over 40% of the total population and they control huge amounts of spending power.  We have been reaching out to this market for years; let us help you to do the same.

The OurSeniorsDiscounts.net distribution specifically targets the over 55 market, it is FREE to consumers, distributed with thousands of printed copies of OurSeniors.net Magazine throughout Central Florida, as well as being online. You can find out more right now at Contact OurSeniorsDiscounts to reach them by email or by phone at 386-204-4727. In Orange and Seminole Counties, you may contact our local representative Gena Fernandez at 386-516-3969 (ext. 21) or by email at gena@ourseniors.net.

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